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On June 26, 2024, Viaje a la Sostenibilidad (VALS) hosted a one-hour long informative webinar related to the Out4In project, which focused on the introduction of the Out4iN toolkit. This toolkit is designed for individuals interested in the protection, inclusion, and integration of refugee and migrant women (RMW) through outdoor activities.

Presentation of the Project and Toolkit

The webinar commenced with an insightful presentation by Elena Kragulj from VALS. Elena provided a comprehensive overview of the new toolkit, emphasizing its utility and accessibility for organizations and individuals working with RMW women. She highlighted how the toolkit is structured to offer practical guidance, resources, and strategies aimed at fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment.

The Relevance of Outdoor Activities

Pedro Ausejo of Scouts Griebal then took the virtual stage to discuss the relevance of outdoor activities in the context of refugee and migrant integration. Pedro underscored the transformative power of nature-based activities, detailing how they can enhance social cohesion, build resilience, and offer therapeutic benefits to displaced individuals, especially women. He provided examples of successful outdoor programs and shared best practices for implementing similar initiatives.

Nature and Well-being

Sandra Romero, a sociologist and lecturer from UNIZAR concluded the webinar with a compelling segment on the connection between nature and well-being. Sandra elaborated on the psychological and physical benefits of engaging with nature, particularly for those who have experienced the trauma of displacement. She highlighted research findings that support the positive impact of outdoor activities on mental health and overall well-being, reinforcing the importance of integrating these activities into support programs for refugees and migrants.

The participants of the webinar remained engaged throughout the session, commenting on the usefulness of the toolkit and expressing interest in the project and the results that are yet to come.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

OUTdoor for INclusion: Improving resilience and integration for refugees and migrant women through outdoor experiences – OUTforIN | Project number: 2023-1-FI01-KA220-ADU-000153615.

Monaliiku – Wellbeing and Sports for Migrant Women

Address: Mäkelänkatu 54 B, 3rd floor, 00510 Helsinki, FINLAND

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