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Out4In project promotes the empowerment, community integration, and environmental awareness of Refugee or Migrant women and girls.

It aims to encourage equity and inclusion by reducing barriers to participation in outdoor experiences
for a target group traditionally underrepresented or excluded from this type of activity.

Specific objectives


the knowledge, competences and skills of educators on how outdoor experiences can foster the social integration and empowerment of Refugee and Migrant Women.


accessibility of educational and outdoor activities for Refugee and Migrant Women.


accessibility of educational and outdoor activities for Refugee and Migrant Women.

Using outdoor and nature-based activities to promote the inclusion and empowerment of Refugee and Migrant Women

The Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 recommends increasing opportunities for migrants and local communities to meet and exchange. Many projects have been carried out over the past few years to foster integration, including through educational, sports and/or cultural activities.

However, there is an almost complete absence of experimentation on the use of outdoor and nature-based activities to promote the inclusion and empowerment of Refugee and Migrant Women.

Inclusion of people with fewer opportunities is a key objective of the Commission’s initiative Towards a European Education Area, as also referred to in the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU Work Plan for Sport, which aims to promote an active and environmentally friendly lifestyle, social cohesion and active citizenship.

Refugee or migrant women and girls (RMW) are more likely to suffer from barriers to access with respect to education, training, and sports, often having to overcome obstacles related to their being migrants and women at the same time. They often come to Europe to join their families and have to take care of children and domestic responsibilities that may prevent them from fully participating in society.

Out4In addresses to the following target groups:


Refugee or migrant women

Adult women with a migration background, long-term migration history or recently arrived in the host country, asylum seekers or refugees, who face greater difficulties of social integration/inclusion.



Those working in the field of Refugee and Migrant Women education and inclusion, and those working in the field of outdoor education.


Local stakeholders

Public bodies, sports/cultural associations, local natural heritage management bodies, educational institutions.


for educators aimed at developing educators' skills in empowerment, Refugee and Migrant Women integration and outdoor education.


to local natural heritage produced by Refugee and Migrant Women through a pilot action during which the Out4In methodology will be tested.

Policy recommendations

for designing/planning outdoor activities in an inclusive manner towards Refugee and Migrant Women.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

OUTdoor for INclusion: Improving resilience and integration for refugees and migrant women through outdoor experiences – OUTforIN | Project number: 2023-1-FI01-KA220-ADU-000153615.

Monaliiku – Wellbeing and Sports for Migrant Women

Address: Mäkelänkatu 54 B, 3rd floor, 00510 Helsinki, FINLAND

Outdoor for Inclusion © 2025. Created by The Typing Editor